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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Free Things to Do on Kauai, Hawaii

Find free things to do on Kauai, Hawaii. This information is excerpted from

All photos are copyrighted by C. Lee - all rights reserved. Contact for permission to reproduce.

The Kukui Trail
This 5-mile (round trip) trail drops 2,000 feet into spectacular Waimea Canyon, and offers the shortest route to the canyon floor. There's a large swimming hole at the bottom. The trail begins off the Iliau Loop Trail.

The Kuilau Ridge Trail
This 4.2-mile (round trip) hike offers dramatic views of small waterfalls and a wealth of flora. The trailhead is about a mile beyond the University of Hawaii Agricultural Experimental Station on Route 580.

The Kalalau Trail
This is the original Hawaiian trail into Kalalau Valley, and offers dramatic views of Na Pali Coast and Kee Beach. It begins at Kee Beach where Highway 56 ends. Two miles inland is Hanakapiai Falls, which cascades 300 feet to a pool below. The trail travels on to Kalalau Valley, and many hikers camp overnight at Hanakapiai and before continuing on the next day. The entire trip is best made by experienced hikers.

Waimea in Hofgaard Park
Where Captain Cook first landed in the Islands in 1778. Waimea town also has a number of other historical buildings.

Waimea Canyon
Hike any of dozens of trails in Waimea Canyon, the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific". There is a river, dozens of waterfalls, and countless unique and gorgeos attractions within this canyon.

Spouting Horn
Two miles past the Ho'oai Heiau on Lawai Road near Poipu, just past the Allerton Garden Visitor Center
It is two holes in the laba tubes under the ground, one of which makes a low 'dragon-moan' when the water rushes in – and the other one causes the ocean spray to shoot up in the air - sometimes 30 feet high.

Wailua Falls
Kapaia Valley
These twin falls were made famous by the opening credits in Fantasy Island.

Maniniholo Dry Cave

Easy to find at the side of the road at Haena
The cave is a big horizontal slit in the side of a mountain face. The beach park past it is very nice also.

Menehune Fishpond
Niumalu Rd. off Rte 51, near Nawiliwili (look for the green guardrail)
Amazing feat of architecture, whoever built it. Legend has it the tiny mythical race of menehune built it, but the ancient hawaiians were also very skilled at creating fishponds for fishing.

Kauai Coffee Company
1 Numila Rd, Eleele, HI 96705; (9am-5pm) - Phone: 808-335-5497
Hawaii's largest coffee estate welcomes visitors to learn about coffee growing, stand amidst coffee trees, and sample estate roasted coffee; Open 9-5 daily

Free Hula Shows
Lihue Airport every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Coconut Marketplace 4-484 Kuhio Hwy., Kapaa - Monday through Friday at 5:00 p.m. the hula halaus (schools) put on a free show of hula or Hawaiian music
Poipu Shopping Village, 2360 Kiahuna Plantation Drive, Monday thru Thursday at 5 pm.

Let us know about your own experiences visiting these places and/or any other free things that you have found for this destination. Include a comment in the comments section below so that others may learn from your experience.

All photos are copyrighted by C. Lee - all rights reserved. Contact for permission to reproduce.

1 comment:

Bargain Hunter Hotline said...

Let us know about your own experiences visiting these places and/or any other free things that you have found for this destination. Include a comment so that others may learn from your experience.